
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

O's attempt at fortune reversal fails (what option is left) 

The Baltimore Sun reports that San Diego Padres first-baseman Phil Nevin has rejected of the Orioles' trade offer.

O, by the way, the Birds lost their 6 straight on Monday.

For those of you who like to watch "RealTV" and other sadistic shows, the Orioles take on the Texas Rangers at 7:05 tonight. TV-camera-hating pitcher Kenny Rogers is scheduled to pitch for the Rangers.

SIDENOTE: I guess I should be grateful. At the beginning of the season I was conflicted about who to support the O's or the Nationals. Perhaps the Orioles are making my decision for me.

UPDATE: Orioles win with late offense after losing lead late (yet again). Nationals lose after giving up lead in bottom of the 9th inning, walk-in winning run in 10th.

Blog Fatigue 

I posted the following at another of my blogs but it is actually more appropriate to the even-longer posting delay here on Gingko Row. The positive side of the post is that this blog, Gingko Row, may benefit from my shift in blog-interest.

I have succumbed (once again) to what I would call "blog fatigue." As the dates of the posts below indicate, there has been quite a delay since my last post; the cause of this delay is not clear and it warrants discussion.
Blogging can be addictive. As a result, it can take up copious amounts of time, energy, and thought. For someone who, as myself, has a life outside the confines a keyboard, blogging could be a great release. It could be a perfect outlet for my thoughts on and frustration with current events. Blogging could be a perfect forum for discussion with other bloggers.
But blogging can also be a phase and, like any phase, will pleasantly pass away. The outlet that blogging provides can also become demanding to the point that it drives you away and zaps your interest. Part of this phenomenon is the fact that today's current events (at least for me) are emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and, yes, physically draining. Blogging fatigue, for me, is a symptom of the fatigue I feel from thinking about the state of our nation and world. In recent days I have felt a strong desire to escape the news and its accompanying political spin. As a result, this blog has been neglected.
It is a shame. I exerted great energy to establish this blog as a one-sided discussion of current events, specifically developments in politics, government, and the law. In doing so, I set myself up for failure. In making this blog limited in scope and mostly serious in tone, I grew weary when the events of the day were more depressing than energizing, saddening rather than infuriating. In place of my interest in current events, I have found more commonplace items to be of interest. Other blogs which discuss food, bourbon, and life in general have great appeal to me in this time of blog fatigue. As opposed to this blog, these other approaches to blogging are in themselves an escape from life rather than something to be escaped.
I am not writing a eulogy for TheCivitasPapers. Rather, this is a cry for help and a disclaimer. It is a warning because I am certain that blog fatigue is not a condition that I alone experience. I hope to open a dialogue on this topic of blog fatigue and hear what strategies you have employed to "cure" this ailment. This post is a disclaimer because, while I hope to return to posting, my posting on this blog may be less consistent than during the "monsoon season" as experience earlier this summer. Instead, I may direct my blog energies toward other ventures of which most of you are already aware.

As always....thoughts?

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